Otter Island Touring Regatta
Tentative Date: September 27, 2025
Location: 300 Smith Island Rd., Everett, WA 98201 (Langus Riverfront Park)
Schedule: Registration 7am / Cox Meeting 7:45am
Rowing starts at 8:00am and last boat launch 9:30am due to tides / BBQ Salmon starts at 11:00am
Tentative Entry Deadline: September 13, 2025
Course: Row through the beautiful sloughs of the Snohomish River. It will take you up and around Otter Island. This row takes you on an 8-mile trek through the untouched sloughs that run off the Snohomish River. On the course you are very likely to see otters, seals, bald eagles, blue herons, and you may even catch a glimpse of a deer or two.
Food: Our traditional Otter Island Row is capped off by a wonderful Salmon BBQ, gourmet salad sampler, bread, desserts, and refreshments. Food costs are included in entry fees for competitors.
Trailers: We are encouraging clubs to bring their own boats and trailers. Due to increased interest in participation our boat lending program will not be able to host all who wish to attend.
Borrowing Boats: If you need to borrow a boat or boats for the row we will be loaning out our boats on a first come first serve basis. Boat donations appreciated!
Coxswains: If you need a coxswain supplied, we have many local rowers and coxies who are familiar with the course and who are willing to jump into a boat.
Entry Fees: $90 per competitor / $45 for BBQ Salmon Lunch only
Payment: Please have one contact person collect payment and waivers before event. Checks payable to Everett Rowing, PO Box 1774, Everett, WA. 98206.
For online payments please click HERE. For “reason for payment” please put your team name- Otter Island for example “Everett Rowing- Otter Island”. Thank you.
Questions? call/ email (425) 345-5138 /